This is great though! I am going to suggest to my bosses that a Leisure Blue leather love seat and a Repose Gray Teutonic wool rug be added to my cubicle. Leisure Blue at the office? Oh the irony. In my case, I took a photo of the drab, tan filing cabinet above my desk at the office and ColorSnap suggested both Leisure Blue and Repose Gray as complimentary colors for my cubicle. For example, if you have a dominant object in a room, like a giant red leather couch, you could use this tool to find some supportive secondary colors for the walls and furniture surrounding it. Once you find a color with which you are satisfied, you press the “palette” button and it identifies the primary paint color you have just selected and offers two secondary colors that go with it. After the image is selected and zoomed in to the right spot in the application view finder, you move your finger over that image and a small square-shaped magnifier follows your finger around and shows a detail view of the color in that part of the photo. You use ColorSnap to take a picture of anything (a room, an object, whatever). Two, it is a tool of sorts, which I seem to be more interested in these days rather than just games or social networking. One, it was developed by my former employer, Resource Interactive, for whom I have the utmost respect and must also disclaim.

So what right? There are a million (ok, fifty thousand) iPhone apps out there-what’s so interesting about this one? So I’m going through my twitter stream a while back and I see several links from some former colleagues of mine, pointing to a new iPhone app called ColorSnap, by Sherwin-Williams.